All countries of the world listed from A-Z:

List of all countries of the world

or choose from the countries per continent below:

Countries of Africa

Countries of the Americas

Countries of Asia

Countries of Europe

Countries of Oceania

USA per state

POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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addressed to the compiler of the "Populstat"-site

feather on line Please do not hesitate to e-mail your comments or questions to the compiler: [email protected]

Questions and answers concerning the lay-out of the pages and tables on the site
The use of certain spreadsheet programmes restricts at this moment the display of most diatritic marks in non-Anglo-American languages. Hopefully the future development of more sophisticated programmes will undo this shortcoming.

Questions and answers concerning the way population figures are showed in the tables
Almost all population figures in the tables are in thousands, unless otherwise strictly mentioned.
The use of comma and point is, however, not as usually practised in the Anglo-American language. Only on the pages containing "general" information of the country the recent estimate of the total population is unabbreviated and stated in the Anglo-American way with commas separating every thousand in a figure.
In percentages on the pages containing "general" information of the country the comma is used as a demical sign: so 98,6% is used instead of 98.6%.
When you see in other tables on this site a figure like 30,4 it means there are 30,400 inhabitants.
In tables of very small states the area and population figures may contain more than one decimal, otherwise these figures would hardly show any important information.
When dates are stated, I use the ISO combination of ""; thus not in the American way "month-day-year".
In the general information pages the elevation of mountains is in metres.

Questions and answers concerning the meaning of certain letters
In many tables years are combined with letters, like "b", "c", "e". You may find the meaning of these letters combined with years in the chapter "remarks".
Another abbrevation used in the pages with general data of countries is "p.m.", in these case it stands for "per mille", thus "per 1000".

Questions and answers concerning other kind of information
The compiler may have some more information with historical population data at hand, or within reach at his working place, which is actually the Central Library of the Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
But he doesn't have direct answers on questions like e.g. the crude birth or death rates in Ethiopia; the influence of certain diseases on mortality rates in municipalities in Canada in the 1930s.
Of course: you are free to ask anything, and I will do my best to give you an appropiate answer where to find the information you're looking for: in books, in libraries, or even via the web.

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© "Populstat" website: Jan Lahmeyer