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POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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historical demographical data of the urban centers

PLACE NAMEconcelhovariants of the namec1991e1984c1981e1977c19701950?c1931c1921c1901particularselevationfound.yrposition
source:*=capitalBBSYBBFWSYHCHBHGRLin m
Ana de Chaves> see:São Tomé
Caixão GrandeST
Cidade de São Tomé> see:São Tomé
Infante Dom HenriquePR
NevesST5,900021N 0633E
Porto AlegreSTPorto-Alegre
Ribeira AfonsoST
Rio do OuroST
Santa CatarinaST
Santa CruzST
SantanaSTSant Ana6,20002N 0632E
Santo AmaroST5,9
Santo AntónioPR*1,01,01,60,80,800138N 0725E
São João AngolaresSTSão João dos Angolares
São ToméST*Ana de Chaves, São Thomé, Cidade de São Tomé43,435,020,025,07,76,93,23,0014830020N 0643E
Terreiro VelhoPR
Val. FormozoST

First input on 2001.08.15; update on 2001.08.16 by Jan Lahmeyer

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© "populstat" site: Jan Lahmeyer