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POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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historical demographical data of the administrative division

ISLAND, ISLAND GROUPcapitalsurface/sq.kmsurface/sq.mie1996e1990e1982e1965c1962e1961c1944e1901e1875e1861e18511809codepos.particularsvariants of the name
source:CGEWPCMPSYMPSYMPMPMPMPMPformed 1965-11 embracing islands formerly dependencies of Mauritius or Seychelles
country code ISO: IO; FIPS: IO // time zone: +5 UT
Blenheim Reef
Boddam Island
Danger Island
Eagle Island0,060Île d'Aigle
Egmont Islands
Nelson Island
Peros Banhos0,3420,3300,1840,125Perhos Banhos
Salomon Atoll0,2050,1890,1190,1000,034
Three Brothers0,075Trois Frères
Chagos Archipelagonone166cnseveral coral atolls and reefs in the Indian Ocean between 5-8 S and 76 EOil Islands
Diego GarciaDiego Garcia44170,3000,9303,0000,2000,6190,5170,5010,527sein use as a naval US-UK military base
TOTAL:Diego Garcia60230,3000,9303,0000,7470,6191,0360,5010,9650,5540,3340,275IOislands are not permanently inhabited anymore, since the copra production was ceased

There are no separate files containing general information, no figures of population growth of the country, nor of the urban settlements.
Figures indicated with "MP" as source were kindly supplied by Mikael Parkvall from Stockholm, Sweden.
File created on 2002-01-22; revised on 2002-06-13 and last modified on 2003-04-22 by Jan Lahmeyer

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